January 09 09:02 2019 Print This Article

The process of psychotherapeutic or medical treatment to reduce or stop dependency on drugs, alcohol etc. is called drug rehabilitation. The treatment also includes counseling and treatment for any related medical disorders along with interaction with a community of previous addicts. This treatment is delivered as per individual case and uses a variety of pharmacological and behavioral approaches.

Drug addiction is a very complex problem and it affects almost every area of a person’s functioning. It destroys relationships in families and reduces work performance as well as affects social standing. The other major consequences are crime, violence, overdose, accidents, and even suicide.

Treatment Facilities

The United States has more than 14,500 specialized facilities for addiction treatment which provide behavior therapy, counseling, case management, medication, and other individualized services for people with substance abuse disorder. Other than these specialized institutions, physician’s offices and mental health clinics also provide treatment by trained counselors, psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and psychologists. In-patient, outpatient or residential treatment is also provided.

Most of the drug rehab facilities in the US is funded by the Federal, State, and local governments since addiction and drug abuse are considered as severe public health issues. There are certain health plans as well, which might cover addiction treatment and medical consequences.

Types of Treatment

According to research, medically assisted detoxification by itself is not effective to treat addiction. Detoxification followed by medication as well as behavioral therapy followed by prevention of relapse is what is generally recommended. Follow-up options and recovery support systems involving the family and community are most needed for effective treatment. Whatever method is used, a major factor in the success of treatment is patent motivation.

It might be common that a person tends to relapse, but that does not mean that the treatment is ineffective. Just like for any other chronic illness, the treatment ought to be continued and adjustments need to be made based on the response of the patient. As per the patient’s varying needs, the treatment plan needs to be reviewed frequently and modified.

The risk factors for addiction might include genetic disorders, peer pressure, lack of parental guidance or attachment, starting to use at an early age, as well as a history of mental disorder. Proper ongoing counseling by trained counselors, psychologists or social workers is most essential for the prevention of relapse and also to assist in the recovery process.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Chronic drug users develop a strong emotional or physical reliance or dependency on the drug of their choice. Hence, attempts to suddenly stop using the drug will leave them vulnerable to symptoms of withdrawal, which can even adversely affect their health. Severe withdrawal, if left unchecked, can become fatal in some cases and hence medical detox has to be done only under a doctor’s expert care.


Although there is no complete cure for this disorder, many patients go forward with their lives filled with courage and hope for the future. With long-term support, as well as spiritual and therapeutic interventions, most of the people are seen to recover and achieve physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

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Derrick Lopez
Derrick Lopez

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