RF Microneedling: What’s the Procedure Meant To Treat? 

RF Microneedling: What’s the Procedure Meant To Treat? 
December 06 19:49 2021 Print This Article

Getting back the lost perfection of your skin isn’t possible as you age – says who? Gone are the days when people were stuck inside their skin despite not liking the way they looked as they aged. There are many safe dermatologically approved skin treatments that can revive the lost youthful appearance of your skin. 

One of the best med spas Dallas skin treatments that have helped even celebrities regain and maintain their youthful appearance over the years is RF microneedling. Tempted to get it done? Hold it right there! 

Explore this quick guide first to understand what radiofrequency microneedling is and are you a suitable candidate. Dive in! 

What is RF Microneedling: Are You a Suitable Candidate? 

One of the best things about RF microneedling is that it doesn’t depend upon the complexion of a person. 

No matter if you’re white, black, or brown, if you have aging skin and your dermatologist thinks you should get the treatment done, then you’re definitely the right candidate for the treatment. 

RF microneedling is a minimally invasive advanced skin treatment that combines the healing process of the skin and heating the deeper layers of the skin to boost blood circulation. 

Here’s how it’s performed under the supervision of experts. 

  1. Many micro needles are punched inside the skin.
  2. The micro needles create micro wounds. 
  3. Micro wounds kick-start the goodness of collagen.
  4. Collagen produces younger healthier skin cells. 
  5. Younger cells replace wrinkled dehydrated cells. 
  6. Radio-frequency waves simultaneously transfer heat inside the skin. 
  7. Heat by radio waves improves oxygen flow. 
  8. More oxygen makes the skin spotless. 

Specifics About RF Microneedling That’ll Help You Make an Informed Choice 

  1. Expect slight discomfort. RF microneedling, as we said, is minimally invasive. Expect some amount of pain.
  2. The procedure is safe when performed by doctors. Don’t get it done at beauty salons. 
  3. Your choice of the clinic is directly proportional to the results you get. 
  4. RF microneedling is natural and safe. 

So, now that you know everything about the procedure, it’s time we walk you through some info about how to choose the right doctors and clinics.

  1. Check the ratings and reviews. 
  2. Look at the experience of the doctor.
  3. Schedule a visit and ask the dermatologist as many doubts as you have. 

Be mindful that you trust your doctor fully before undergoing any procedure, not just RF microneedling. If you’re in Montreal, Clinique anti aging is one of the best skin centers you can visit for the best advice. 

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About Article Author

Carol Gilmore
Carol Gilmore

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