Make Yourself Look Younger With Eyelid Surgery

Make Yourself Look Younger With Eyelid Surgery
April 16 11:28 2018 Print This Article

Aging is inevitable, and you never know how aging will go for you, as some do not have any wrinkles in their 40s, while some of us already have crow’s feet in our 30s. This is why many people have eyelid surgery or anti wrinkle injections Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne to make themselves look much younger.

Eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure where the skin will be removed to be able to add or remove fat from the eyelids. Even though this surgical procedure is called an ‘eyelid lift’ nothing will be lifted during this surgery.

Make sure you understand the difference between an upper and lower eyelid surgery

You have the upper eyelid surgery where your surgeon will use incisions and remove the skin and fat. Then, a thin stitch will bring the skin together as it allows the eyelid crease to be created as well. You have the lower eyelid surgery that can also involve incisions, but directly below the lash line, and sometimes on the inside of the eyelid.

When the incision is made on the inside of the eyelid, that technique is called a transconjunctival approach and it is great because it allows for the surgeon to access the eyelid without having any visible incisions. This is a perfect technique for those who want to have their eyelid fat removed or added.

Help you feel young

People who tend to get the eyelid surgery are usually the ones who have heavy looking eyelids, excessive crow’s feet, aged appearance and sometimes puffiness. If you are interested in this procedure yourself, check out the eyelid surgery Melbourne by Chelsea Cosmetics Melbourne. All of that sagging can make a person seem quite old, while a simple procedure will make you look much younger.

In rare cases, people have a lot of excess fat on the upper eyelid, which causes them to have poor vision, in which case the eyelid surgery is necessary to help recover their sight. On the other hand, you also have the double-eyelid surgery that is also known as the Asian eyelid surgery and it is done to make your upper eyelid crease become enhanced.

Asian people have this procedure to have a more Westernized look because many of them are born with monolid. The lower eyelid surgery is usually performed to remove any excess skin you might have, as that will improve the contour of your eyelids by removing or adding fat. Sometimes, the surgeon will do the necessary tightening to correct the sagging.

You will be surprised to see how much your eyes can make you look younger

Listen to your doctor

Before any procedure or plastic surgery it is very important that you have a proper talk with your doctor, so make sure to schedule a consultation. There, you will talk about the procedure, what you need to do before, what you can expect, and what you should do after the procedure.

Make sure to ask about the risks of the procedure, because every surgery has a list of risks or side-effects that might occur, and you need to be aware of this before going with the procedure. On top of that, make sure that you listen to what your doctor has to say, as you might have to do some things before the eyelid surgery, like stop smoking for a certain amount of time.

Final word

Overall, the recovery time of this procedure is not as long as some might think. Within the first 48 hours, you will probably experience some bruising and swelling, but that should go down, and after that everything will turn for the better. But do not expect miracles immediately, you need to let time pass!

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Nathaniel Little
Nathaniel Little

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