Warts are tiny skin growths brought on by the deadly human papillomavirus (HPV), a contagious virus. 25% of the population in the world has at least one wart at any given moment.
Most warts, fortunately, are not harmful. However, warts are contagious because they grow from a virus.
Although they can develop almost anywhere on the body, they typically appear on the hands, face, bases, and fritters.
They are widespread and have an impact on almost everyone at some point. By looking at it, a dermatologist can determine if you have a 疣.
A dermatologist may need to conduct a skin biopsy, to ensure if it’s wart or any other skin problem.
However, if a dermatologist wants to do a biopsy, the doctor will remove the wart and send it to a lab. A little piece of the wart will be examined under a microscope in the lab.
Warts can be identified based on how they appear. Diagnostic tests are hardly required. The top layer of the wart may be scraped off during a physical examination to check for indications of the tiny, black dots (clotted blood vessels) that are common in warts.
To distinguish viral warts from other skin growths, such as skin cancer, a wart can be examined with a dermatoscopy, a tool with a magnifying lens, and a strong lighting system.
Other types of skin growth can also be ruled out by removing a tiny piece of a wart and sending it to a lab for examination.
A dermatologist will use cantharidin to apply on the wart and gradually, a blister develops because of cantharidin. The dermatologist will remove the dead wart by clipping it off in about a week.
The most popular method of treating common warts in adults and older kids is cryosurgery (freezing).
Even though it isn’t painful, people with a dark complexion may develop black patches after the treatment, thus, repeat treatments are required.
They are effective ways to treat common warts, filiform warts, and foot warts. Curettage entails scraping the thickened skin using a small sharp knife or spoon-shaped instrument.
Usually these two methods are combined. Before or after electrosurgery, the dermatologist may remove the wart by scraping it off.
For warts that have not responded to prior treatments, laser therapy is an alternative. The 脫疣醫生 may use an anaesthetic injection (shot) to numb the wart before laser therapy.
There are typically used on several warts present in flat warts. Dermatologists recommend “peeling” treatments to cure these warts because they arise so frequently. This implies that you will use a peeling medication every day at home.
At Retens, doctors use CO2 Laser treatment for 脫疣. The wound is simpler to treat with a carbon dioxide laser, and the recovery time is less.
According to the type or location of the wart, the Retens medical specialist will also recommend the best course of treatment. They employ FDA-accreditation CO2 laser therapy for the treatment of warts.
Various home remedies can be used on warts, but the main remedy is to keep that area clean and dry. Seek medical attention only when the wart is painful or see pus or serum around it.