Why Penis Enlargement Exercises are Dangerous

Why Penis Enlargement Exercises are Dangerous
July 21 19:24 2018 Print This Article

If you’ve been looking into ways to enhance the size or shape of your penis, you’re probably well aware of how many products and solutions are out there.

Penis enlargement exercises such as jelqing are often praised for their effectiveness in increasing penis size and enhancing potency in the bedroom but just how true are these claims really?

The reality is that exercises such as jelqing really just cause more harm than good. Here is what you need to know if you’re having any doubts about this penis enlargement method.

What is jelqing exactly?

Jelqing has been around for a good few years now but it has only recently become a popular penis enlargement topic amongst modern men. It is believed that jelqing originated in the Middle East and it involves squeezing and tugging on the penis in order to increase blood flow, which is meant to increase the size and girth of the penis over time. While it sounds innocent enough, jelqing does come with some risks.

Jelqing risks

Most medical experts will advise against the jelqing technique for several reasons.

Firstly, by placing repeated stress and pressure on the penis, it can lead to injuries, and if left untreated, men can end up with permanent damage to the delicate internal structures of their penis. Tears in the muscle structure and scar tissue are also a real concern as it can result in erectile dysfunction and disfigurement.

Jelqing has also been known to decrease sensitivity in the penis, which means it becomes a counterproductive activity for men who want to enhance their sexual encounters. If you want to protect your penis from injury and enjoy a lasting and healthy sex life, it’s best to avoid exercises such as jelqing.

Penis enlargement alternatives

Consulting with a trained medical professional is a better way to address any issues that you might have with the length and girth of your penis.

CALIBRE clinic has tips on how to get a bigger penis, which includes dermal fillers. Fillers are one of the safest and most effective ways to enhance the size of your penis without the risk of infection and permanent damage. Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body. This means you won’t be inserting or using any foreign objectives to enhance your penis size, which is more ideal than dangerous exercises, pills, creams or supplements.

There is also the option of using surgery to increase the size of your penis but it does come with a number of downsides such as a high risk of injection, extensive downtime, pain and potential scarring.

Dermal fillers, on the other hand, won’t leave any scars as the procedure only requires several microinjections in order to increase the size of the penis. Patients can also return to work and their daily routine directly after their appointment. They will need to refrain from having sex for at least 48 hours following their procedure though.

Overall, there are far safer alternatives out there than exercises such as jelqing.

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About Article Author

Derrick Lopez
Derrick Lopez

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