Entering The Profession Of Pharmacy

Entering The Profession Of Pharmacy
March 12 09:22 2021 Print This Article

Pharmacy is the medical science that connects pharmacy science and chemistry and is charged with the development, manufacture, safety, control, distribution, and evaluation of medicines and other drugs. It is also a place where one can obtain a prescription for drugs. The term pharmacy refers to any place or room where medicine is kept, displayed or worked upon. Almost all hospitals, nursing homes and clinics possess pharmacy jonesborough tn for the purpose of providing pharmacy services to patients. As far as pharmacy is concerned, it mainly deals with the preparation, administration, supply, sale and regulation of medication.

A pharmacy technician usually has to be qualified under the direction of a pharmacist and has to be able to read and understand the prescriptions. A pharmacy tech usually works in close collaboration with pharmacists, doctors, and nurses and performs the tasks such as stocking medicines, preparing the medicines, labeling and labelling the medicines, counting the medicines and completing forms needed for reimbursement. Some pharmacists take complete charge of the whole pharmacy process while some other work as assistants to pharmacists. In a majority of organizations, pharmacy technicians are involved in the supply chain of pharmaceutical products. They may be responsible for providing chain management, coordination and planning.

Kinds of pharmacies

There are many kinds of pharmacies, the most common of which are general, chains, independent pharmacies and specialty pharmacies. A general pharmacy is anywhere from a discount chain to a drugstore and is located anywhere in a community. Chain pharmacies consist of multiple locations, often chain or national, that sell the same brand and type of medication. An independent pharmacy is a privately owned and operated pharmacy. A specialty pharmacy is usually found in colleges, universities, hospitals and rehabilitation centers and is restricted to supplying a specific type of medication.

Home care pharmacy is a type of pharmacy where the medication is purchased for at-home use. This type of pharmacy can be either retail wholesaler or a managed care pharmacy. A pharmacy technician provides clerical assistance to home care pharmacy, dispensing and labeling medications. Other pharmacy employees monitor transactions and provide assistance to patients with questions about their medications.

A pharmacy technician assists in filling prescription medications. A nutritional support employee provides assistance with shopping for food, vitamins, supplements and other nutritional support. A home care pharmacy employee administers prescriptions, supplies checks and coordinates the preparation of meals. The pharmacy technician prepares and distributes refills to qualified individuals and completes necessary documentation for each transaction. Home care pharmacy employees have no education or training and are not allowed to give patients medical advice.

When considering a pharmacy career, it’s important to evaluate your skills, your qualifications and your career objectives. Pharmacy technicians must obtain an examination from the state Board of Pharmacy to work at a retail or wholesale outlet; however, most pharmacists acquire their pharmacy degrees at community colleges. If you’re planning on working in a pharmacy, it’s important to complete as many hours of pharmacy training as possible, complete your education, get licensed and pass your state certification exam. With your experience, education and pharmacy license, you can be assured of a successful career in patient care.

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Anna Stinson
Anna Stinson

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