Which is better hair patch or hair transplant

Which is better hair patch or hair transplant
October 31 07:37 2019 Print This Article


Losing your hair is one of the worst thing people experienced by growing older each day. It definitely makes you feel different and probably losing your confidence when all you can do is just reminisce the days of you styling your thick dark hair. After doing all the researches, the various hair loss treatments makes it even harder when you are having a dilemma to choose the best method to restore your glory days in the most natural and least painful way. Let us break down the most common hair loss treatments to help you through this painful process. There are a number of clinics which provide treatments in Malaysia and you will definitely want to check out hair transplant by Mediviron for more detailed information. 

First and foremost, hair transplant is a surgical procedure where hair follicles are extracted as grafts from the donor region to be planted onto the affected area on your scalp. It is a delicate procedure where it involves various techniques of graft extraction, the most common ones are Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE). FUT removes strips of hair follicles by making linear incisions using a scalpel and FUE uses a device to remove hair follicles one by one which definitely will leave scars behind. Thus, this treatment modality requires the best and trained hands to produce the best outcome for the patients. Of course, with specialized professional like this, it requires a higher treatment fee. With the new hair planted, they will grow more naturally just like how it used to be and it will stay on longer if you comply with doctor’s advice. It will usually take around 6 months for the full effect to be shown so you might have to be patient and take really good care of the new hair within this period of time. 

As for the hair patch, which is also commonly known as artificial hair restoration, is a non-invasive procedure which does not involve needles, devices or scalpels. It can be done by any certified aesthetician as it is not a complex procedure. All it needs is just the perfect hair texture, colour and density as the wig, then it can be attached to the bald patch on your scalp by using cosmetic glue and clips. Do not mistake it to be the conventional wig that you saw which looks like putting an unmatched carpet onto your head, the aesthetician will consider the best wig for you to make it as personalized and natural as possible. The materials of cosmetic glue and clips used are generally safe and do not cause allergy reaction. For the aftercare steps, you just need to take care of the wig like how you take good care of your own hair as it is easy to be maintained. This procedure is cheaper and will only take one session to make yourself feel better again, however, users are not able to trim their hair according to hairstyles they like as this hair patch will not grow. 

In conclusion, each modality has its own pros and cons. If you are keen to have your hair restored, make sure you consider your own situation with the application of this knowledge and find the most reliable clinics so you can have a more detailed discussion with the doctors. In the end, whichever methods you choose, you will be able to relive your good old days with happiness and full confidence. 


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Nathaniel Little
Nathaniel Little

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