We all know that eating a balanced diet is one of the best ways to live a healthy life. However, eating foods that are good for you is not enough if you want to achieve a slimmer waist, toner muscles, and a stronger body. Proper exercise is essential to achieve such a goal, but with the endless list of training programs to choose from, which one would you pick?
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If you’re in for fun-filled, engaging and serious whole body workout program, then you might want to try Circuit Training. It is a combination of cardio, body weight and resistance exercises that can last between 20-45 minutes. It usually consists of 3 or more exercises, but will still depend on the complexity of your training.
Everyone from all levels can enjoy and benefit from this type of workout, whether you’re a beginner or an athlete. Many consider this type of training as the most effective style since the cycle works on strength training and cardio with little or no rest in between stations.
Whenever you’re successful with a session, and you’re done with all the exercises in each station, you can always decide if you want to repeat another round. A session typically includes 5-10 exercises but is completely customizable depending on your preferences. One must still watch what you eat after a workout to make sure you’re consuming the best diet post workout.
Good Read: Here’s What To Eat After Every Type Of Workout
The circuit has a lot of benefits to offer. If you’re new to this type training, it would be best to sign up to a class or work with a trainer to help you learn the ropes and how to do the exercise the right way. Here are some of the benefits that one can get from this type of workout program.
One doesn’t have to be an athlete or a gym enthusiast just to learn and enjoy Circuit. It is an excellent place for newbies you’ll already know what to expect. Each station and session is already planned, and all you need to do is follow along. There is no need to decide which machines to use first or to create your workout as your trainer already has something for you to depend on. The best part is a class can consist of all fitness levels so that you can enjoy the program with your more advanced gym friends!
If you’re always on the go, then this routine is for you. Being able to work out at your own pace at your own time and any place at your own will is just another benefit of Circuit. Once you found yourself comfortable with the session, you can already design a workout that will fit your environment be it outside, in a hotel room or anywhere you may be.
This training program will challenge anyone to use your whole body to complete a session. Each station guarantees you to hit every minor and major muscle group. A good trainer will show you what you need to work on next, but will alternate between your core muscle, upper body, and lower body. Doing so will give each group a good rest while working on the next group.
We all have busy lives, and Circuit program is so flexible that it can fit in on our complex schedule. Only the chosen and blessed few have two or more hours to hit the gym. For the majority of the population who only has about an hour or less time to spare, Circuit allows you to do a total body workout effectively whether you have an hour or less available.
The circuit allows you to improve your ability to produce or perform muscular activities for a more extended period. It produces just the right amount of muscle strength to help you endure working on your weights. It forces your muscle to gradually work on the fatigue and build muscle endurance over time.
Whenever you go training, your heart starts to pump harder up to a certain level. It allows you to hit a specific heart rate which is much faster than what you can achieve when using the treadmill. When done continuously for about 8 to 12 weeks, it can help you build cardiovascular endurance resulting in improved stamina and overall fitness. A study even concluded that people who do high-intensity Circuit workouts had improved blood pressure, lipoproteins and triglycerides levels which makes it an excellent training program.
We all know that proper exercise can help you boost your metabolic rate. A 30-minute circuit program activated your metabolism even after just one session. As you go over the routine, you get to burn more calories when at rest and during a workout.
With Circuit’s ability to burn more calories every time, and the mix of cardio and weight-lifting exercises, you get to lose more fat during the day. That’s one to get fit, healthy and shed some extra fat.
Some people find themselves bored while at the gym because sometimes, gym buddies, a cute trainer and even your favourite music playlist are not enough to get you going. The good news is, this is not that case with Circuit. You have limitless options regarding your workout duration, exercise routine and more.
With other training programs, time is essential to complete a session and enjoy the benefits of that routine, With Circuit, you get a whole body workout in such a short amount of time. What’s more is that you can get more results than just by mere walking, running or cycling.
The key in this type of training would be not to let a lot of time pass you by in between stations — all these benefits you can experience once you start with your Circuit Workout. It is best to start with a Circuit trainer so that he or she can create a custom-made program for you, and then you can begin customising it once you get the hang of it. Consider Circuit now and achieve great results in no time.