The Importance of Seeking Professional Help for Alcohol Addiction

by Clare Louise | August 10, 2020 10:21 am

While some people can have just one or two drinks on occasion and otherwise go about their lives, as usual, those with alcohol use disorder drink to excess and may even need to drink to feel normal. This can create all kinds of conflicts in the home, at work or at school, and elsewhere and, if not addressed, can lead to debilitating health problems. Read on to find out why it’s so important for those suffering from alcohol use disorder to seek help with alcohol addiction in Portsmouth[1] instead of trying to get sober alone.

Help With Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal is the first stage of recovery, and it can be incredibly taxing both physically and emotionally. For serious alcoholics, quitting cold-turkey can even be life-threatening. Seeking professional help can make it easier to deal with physical and mental withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, shakiness, anxiety, and, in serious cases, seizures, and can literally save lives.

Relapse Prevention

Relapses are most common during the earliest stages of recovery, and they can be extremely dangerous. If an alcoholic quits drinking then relapses, he or she will be at risk of overdosing since the addict’s tolerance will be low and his or her body will be more vulnerable than usual due to the effects of detox. In extreme cases or those in which alcohol relapses also involve using other substances, the results can be serious and even potentially fatal[2].

Therapeutic Care

Inpatient and outpatient alcohol addiction programs don’t end after a participant has gone through medical detox. Instead, patients get all the therapeutic care they need to ensure that they have healthy coping mechanisms in place for dealing with cravings and the stresses of daily life without drinking. Good programs combine therapeutic modalities such as one-on-one therapy, peer support groups, and alternative therapies to give participants access to all the tools they need to succeed.

Support from Peers

Alcohol treatment programs give participants access to supportive networks of peers who are also looking to get sober and improve their lives. Sharing stories, learning from others’ mistakes, and being inspired by their successes makes it easier for recovering alcoholics to feel less alone. It also gives them people to talk to who will understand what they are going through, which can make the difference between relapsing and maintaining a state of sobriety.

Help for Family Members

Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the person who is having trouble controlling his or her drinking. It also affects loved ones, especially family members. Many alcohol addiction programs offer family counseling to teach loved ones what to expect and how to help recovering alcoholics stay sober after they leave the program.

Ongoing Care

Some programs provide long-term services for alcoholics in later stages of recovery, while others refer them to outpatient specialists for ongoing recovery assistance. Either way, ongoing addiction treatment is the best way to prevent relapses after completing an inpatient or outpatient program.

The Bottom Line

Those who are struggling with alcohol abuse need and deserve access to the tools they need to get sober safely and stay sober long-term. For the average person, that means professional addiction treatment.


  1. help with alcohol addiction in Portsmouth:
  2. serious and even potentially fatal:

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