Terms You Should Know if you Want to Take a Spin Class

by Clare Louise | September 11, 2018 3:46 pm

A cycling or spin class[1] is a good way to work up a sweat. You burn calories in a group setting with high energy. Depending your level of fitness, it won’t take long to catch on in a spin class. You just need to pay attention and keep up with instructions from the leader of the class. Knowing the right terms will give you a head start when you’re ready to start cycling.

Flat Terrain:

Flat terrain is any land that is flat and easy to maneuver. In spin classes flat terrain means imitate a ride on flat open land. Normally a flat terrain training session is an easy ride. The instructor usually incorporates speed drills and stamina training during this workout session.

Resistance/Tension: Indoor bikes have a knob or clicker that is used to add or retract the amount of tension/resistance during your ride. You can usually find it at the base of the handlebars. What you are trying to do will determine which direction you turn the knob/clicker. Turning the knob to the right or up (depending on the bike) will intensify the resistance, and turning it to the left or down with reduce the tension.

Gear Up/Gear Down:

Gear up/down simply means change the gears and to add more resistance or tension during your workout. Adding more resistance and tension heightens the workout and builds power. Gearing up/down will most definitely challenge you and make you push much harder during the workout session.

Hill Climb:

Instructors may also imitate real road rides by simulating a hill climb ride. A hill climb ride is designed to add resistance similar to riding a bike uphill. This exercise promotes great muscle strength and builds both power and stamina. This ride will be much more intense than a flat terrain ride, but the benefits are higher depending on the intensity of the ride.


The saddle is the seat of the bike. Depending on which stage of the exercise[2] you are performing, you may or may not be sitting on your saddle too often. It may also take some getting used to the first couple times.


  1. spin class: https://spokane.muvfitness.com
  2. exercise: https://greatist.com/move/indoor-cycling-for-beginners

Source URL: https://goodmedschoice.com/terms-know-want-take-spin-class/