Anxiety is the emotion felt when faced with a feeling of real or figurative threat that aims to prepare us to face the perceived danger.
Anxiety definition
Anxiety is the emotion experienced in the face of a feeling of real threat (e.g. threat to the person) or figurative (e.g. threat to self-esteem). It is a normal and innate response to activation, characterized by an increase in alertness and attention that aims to prepare us to face the perceived danger by predisposing us to an attack or flight response.
Anxiety can be physiological or pathological. Physiological anxiety prepares us to cope adaptively with a possible difficult situation while pathological anxiety is dysfunctional because, being persistent and intense, it interferes with our performance, and can be associated with neutral events, which are not really dangerous. Before Treating anxiety you need the best option.
The symptoms of anxiety
What are the symptoms of anxiety? The symptoms of anxiety can be divided into three categories:
Psychological symptoms of anxiety: strong apprehension not commensurate with the extent of the actual event, nervousness, alteration of memory and concentration, brooding and worry, insecurity and fear;
physical symptoms of anxiety: due to a neurovegetative hyperactivation, they consist of palpitations, tachycardia, hypersudation, throat spasms, dyspnea, dizziness, frequent urination, gastrointestinal symptoms, insomnia with difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakenings;
Motor tension: tremors, restlessness, agitation, ease to wince, muscle contractures, tension headache.
Panic attacks: intense anxiety attacks that resolve quickly, during which you experience a sudden sense of serious danger (e.g. fear of dying, fear of going crazy, fear of losing control). They are characterized by a very marked somatic activation, with intense physical symptoms such as palpitations, air hunger, and vertigo up to a sense of alienation from reality.
Anxiety problems
Anxiety is an emotion present in a transversal way in different psychiatric syndromes and disorders; we could say that practically there is no disorder in which anxiety problems do not occur in a phase of its course: anxiety problems are present in disorders related to the use of substances, which often develop as an attempt to self-medication towards a strong anxiety; shocking and intense experiences of anxiety characterize the psychoses, as well as the deep phases of depression or manic activation ; anxiety develops as a secondary problem in somatoform disorders, sexual disorders (eg performance anxiety ) and in most organic diseases; in obsessive compulsive disorder , the obsessions (thoughts, images, fears, intrusive and persistent impulses that the individual is unable to drive away from his mind) generate in the person an anxiety such as to induce him to implement rigid behavioral or mental rituals (compulsions) with the aim of reducing and neutralizing anxiety in related stress disorders , such as post-traumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder, the subject continually relives the memory or image of traumatic events that are particularly relevant to him, all accompanied by severe anxiety and marked neurovegetative activation.
An anxiety disorder can only be diagnosed when it is established that anxiety symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or drug or another medical condition, or are not better explained by another mental disorder.