Take away Rock stars, magicians, circus performers and the constricted world of men’s makeup is left barren – If you said two decades ago, you’d have been right. In recent times however and in light of current trends the formerly unexplored world of male cosmetics has begun to gain traction, slowly but steadily the world, in general, is starting to phase out the now archaic belief that real men don’t wear mens makeup.
Except you consider people like Christiano Ronaldo and Johnny Depp to be ‘fake men,’ then it’s now more than ever glaring to see that ‘real men’ have begun to see makeup as a normal aspect of male beautification. For a fact, virtually all male celebrities in Hollywood use one form of men’s makeup or the other. Whether it is a subtle guyliner, or a manscara (which is essentially mascara for men) or the growingly popular and more complete package of no-makeup makeup, rest assured your favorite celebrity has already been initiated into the Men’s makeup club.
Want to spot that picturesque, sexy yet still macho look? here are some tips to get you started;
For any kind of makeup to stand out and complement your look, it has to be carried out atop a well groomed and properly cared for face. The first step to doing this exfoliation – gently massage a portion of exfoliating scrub onto your face to remove excess dead skin and also to de-clog sweat pores. Your face should feel nice and soft after this procedure. Next use some facial cleanser to finalize the clean, before applying a fair bit of toner to tone and keep your skin at optimal pH levels. The final step in this preparative stage is to apply a moisturizer. Moisturizers help keep your facial skin supple and refreshed through hydration. If you have dry skin, moisturizing your skin is one step you cannot afford to skip.
How do you get 12 hours of sleep in 2 minutes – easy, just use a concealer. Concealers for men are the best way to cover up those pesky dark circles and eye bags that come up when you’ve been out all night partying with the boys. Other facial blemishes will also cower at the might of a concealer; acne, pimples, scars, discolorations you name it – one swipe of the concealer and they are concealed. To get started with using a concealer first make certain to get one that is meant for men. Yes, female concealers are different from their male counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start your search for a men’s concealer, Differio is a good place to check out. Once you’ve secured a suitable concealer (make sure it’s one that matches your skin tone), you can then apply it to those blemish areas in small light strokes. After this preliminary application, use your fingers to smoothen and blend it into the surrounding skin.
As is for concealers, base foundation for men vary considerably from those produced for women. Again male specific online marts like Differio should help out. Ideally, your target should be a liquid base foundation that matches your skin tone; too light or darker and your face is left in looking like a camouflage at the end of the application. To apply a foundation use a soft brush, once you’ve achieved evenness in tone, round off by using a beauty sponge to blend the application to match your natural skin tone. By the time you’re through your face should spot a smooth and evened out complexion.
The makeup tool to recreate that chiseled out look is no other than the simple yet effective contour powder. Apply it lightly to the sides of your nose, the flanks of your cheekbones, and directly under your chin. Finish it off with some light brushes over your nose tip, cheeks, and forehead, as these areas are the most likely to produce and retain oil.
Women are not the only ones who can spot those characteristically sexy eyes. Guys can too, and the procedure for achieving this is a pretty easy one. Like the rest of the face, the eyes also need to be prepared before any makeup can be applied to them. Start by applying a coat of eyeshadow base and primer before proceeding to apply the actual eyeshadow. The most fitting look for male eyes is one created with neutral eyeshadows that transition from light to darker as you move towards the edge of the eyelid. This look coupled with an appropriate guyliner (men’s eyeliner) grants your face a genuinely intriguing look. Top this all off with a sparing application of manscara to buffer your already plush eyebrows.
With these set of tips and tricks, you’re now well equipped to begin your own mens makeup journey. And while some procedures might feel tasking, as time goes on, they process will gradually get less demanding. If you ever get stuck in the application process, remember that there are several tutorial videos readily available online to help put you through.