Have you heard about powerful stimulant drug Clenbuterol 40 mcg? It is almost similar to Ephedrine, but its half life period is much longer and also it is more powerful. It has the capability to increase our metabolism and also can speed up your heart rate. You can also obtain 20mcg dose.
It is thus very convenient to take dosage between 40 mcg to 160 mcg for men and 20 mcg to 100 mcg for women. It also has the capability of burning our fat quickly without destroying our muscles and hence it is quite popular among bodybuilders.
Review of Clenbuterol 40mcg
If you ask me its effectiveness then it depends upon individual’s body composition, diets taken and his level of fitness. It is very popular among actors of Hollywood, as it can shape up your body and reduce fats very quickly. There may be possibility that people also do fasting to reduce their body size.
If you do proper exercise and take balanced diet then you can also see good muscles as well. Body builders if they have used pre or post-workout can get very quick results by taking the right dosage and also maintain the right cycle.
What is the proper dosage?
If any man wants to use it then he should start with 40mcg dose and then slowly increase the dose after couple of weeks. After taking it for 6 to 8 weeks your cycle must stop. You should go maximum up to 120mcg, as going beyond that will not give you any additional benefit. It is always advisable to start with minimum dosage and better to avoid extra dose, as its side effects can be too nasty by taking overdose.
After a week, you may notice that Clenbuterol is not making much impact on you, however that does not mean that you start increasing your dose. Just take little time to observe its effect and get your body adjusted to this drug then slowly increase the dose.
The half life of Clenbuterol is 26 hours, however your blood report can tell its presence even after 48 hours of its consumption. Therefore, within a day single dose is good enough as its effect will continue to remain throughout the day.
For women, it is recommended that they should start with 20mcg and if they can tolerate it then slowly increase the dose up to 120 mcg.