The hair makes a woman feel most beautiful and she knows that for sure. You can find different types of hair in women and these can be thin, short, long, voluptuous or glowing! Hair has got different looks and names. Generally speaking, all women want thick and lustrous hair but often they do not have that thick crown to bring in glory. This is the reason there are hair extensions to bring out the best in every women. They may have thin or thick hairs; they will be able to look good in every season with help of hair extensions. The clip on artificial hairs is the most popular ones and you may find different types of these extensions to choose from.
Shrinkies extension or extension through plastic tube – This type of Best clip in hair extensions are done with help of plastic tubes that have keratin protein in them. These tubes are attached to the hair and then the extension hair goes sliding through the tubes from the root of the natural hair. There is a bonding of the natural and extension hair with fusion iron. These clip-on extensions are durable and last for a long time.
Tape in extension – This one uses skin wefts and one does not feel any pain for such clip-ons. The wefts are thin and lay on the skin and are taped in. The tapes are made with keratin and are there on each extension. This protein or keratin is heated and then it merges the weft of the skin to natural hair. The extension contains the synthetic hair shafts and these remain there as almost natural hair that is actually clipped on.
Donna Bella extension – This one is good if you have got fine hair and want some volume or length on it. You can choose artificial hair for this extension or human hair. You will need some hot tools for styling the hair and these hairs must be washed regularly. Clips of multiple layers are used for such extension. The extension will last for a long time.
Hair extension chosen by you
Hair extension is becoming more and more popular and convenient that almost everyone uses it for getting superb look. There are various styles to choose from and it will add volume and looks to your hair. The permanent wefts or keratin clips, adhesive tapes are some methods with which these best clip in hair extensions are attached. These are growing in popularity and there are various types of hair extensions available too. There are human hairs, animal hair or synthetic hairs. There are also some mixed types of hairs for extensions that are being used for this purpose.
You will have to check out the quality of the extension, if you are ready to select such extensions. You must also know what hair is being used for the extension. Know about the way it should be applied and how to remove it when you want to. This will give you an idea of the convenience of using such extensions. You must also know about the maintenance of these hair extensions and then choose which type of clip-on extension you are going to use.