How do You Get Hemorrhoids?

How do You Get Hemorrhoids?
February 01 08:16 2019 Print This Article

There are many diseases that can be, besides dangerous, very annoying. One of them is swollen veins in your lower rectum and anus also called hemorrhoids. Many different things may cause them, but usually, you can’t figure out when you got them. You’ll know the reason when you are pregnant because it usually happens because of the increased pressure on the veins. They can also develop under the skin, and they are quite common.

Sometimes you won’t notice anything, but usually, there is bleeding, discomfort, and itching. A clot can also form, but you shouldn’t worry about, it can be treated, but it is painful. There are many ways of hemorrhoid removal and how you can treat it. Even some lifestyle changes can help you get better, so it is very important what you eat during this period.

What are the Symptoms?

There are many signs that can indicate you have them, but they can also mean other things. Majority of the people notice a small amount of blood when they are on the toilet with an itching or irritating feeling. Usually, with this feeling comes to discomfort and pain in the region. After a few days, you will notice that the area is a little bit swollen. Depending on the situation, there can be a lump that can be painful or sensitive.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are four types, and one of them is internal which are inside the rectum. The difference from others is that you normally can’t feel or see them and they infrequently create discomfort. The reason why you can know you have this type is that you can bleed because of the damage from irritation when passing stool. Read more here:

Sometimes, if you strain a lot, it can push internal out which is called prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoid. When that happens, you can feel irritation and pain. The second type is external which are under the skin around the anus. They can bleed or itch if they get irritated. Thrombosed type is when it forms a clot from external hemorrhoid. This is the worst type because you can expect, inflammation, swelling, and severe pain.

The Most Common Causes

If you want to know how you got them, then you need to know what actually is happening when it creates. Usually, it is because of higher pressure on your veins, after which they swell or bulge. The most common place is around the anus. The reason why most people get them is from straining during bowel movements.

You may hear that a lot of games get them and the reason is that they spend a lot of time sitting. If you have chronic constipation or diarrhea, hemorrhoids may also appear. Other causes may be low-fiber diet, anal intercourse, pregnancy, and obesity. They happen with aging because the tissue that supports the veins becomes weaker. Read more on this page.

When to Visit a Doctor?

The first time you notice that you bleed after a bowel movement, it is a sign of hemorrhoids. It’s best when you visit the doctor to let them do some testing, so they can discard some serious diseases or conditions. After a physical examination, they can easily determine are hemorrhoids the problem.

You shouldn’t assume that the bleeding only implies for them because if you are older than 40, many diseases can have the same symptoms. There is a small chance that the problem is anal cancer or colorectal cancer, but you should always test yourself to make sure. If you experience something like a larger amount of bleeding, faintness, dizziness, lightheadedness, you should seek emergency care.

Complications and Risk Factor

The risk gets higher when you get older, so try to live a healthy lifestyle at a certain age to prevent something like this from happening. An unhealthy lifestyle contributes a lot in getting it. When it comes to pregnancy, the baby’s weight is putting a lot of pressure on the anal area. You can prevent this, but the chance of happening isn’t that big.

Complications rarely happen, but anemia is one of them when you don’t have healthy red blood cells enough. Another thing that can happen is strangulated hemorrhoid which can cause extreme pain. This happens when the blood supply is cut off to internal hemorrhoid.

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Nathaniel Little
Nathaniel Little

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