Danabol is the most popular steroid in our time, it has an anabolic effect and a weak androgenic. It was synthesized in 1956 by American scientists, its production began in 1960, at that time it was most used by athletes. Already in 1980, the steroid was banned from production and sale in America, but in America it had no effect, it is still very popular. In medicine, danabol is used in diseases that require increased protein synthesis. Also, danabol increases the amount of calcium in the body, which in turn enters the bones. In strength sports, it is used to gain muscle mass and increase physical strength. Adding a few kilos of muscle mass while taking danabol is the norm. Also, this drug is easily aromatized – this means that part of the substance can easily turn into estrogen.ABCRoids blog can offer you more details on the effects of Danabol.
Athletes who are preparing for bodybuilding competitions, according to reviews on Danabol, would not recommend this drug, the use of which, during the drying period, can cause water accumulation in the body due to the high level of testosterone conversion into estrogens. After taking danabol, clenbuterol should be used so that the proteins do not break down. Danabol is perfectly combined with injectable stanozolol. This combination will be useful for those who want to increase strength, and for those who need to gain dry muscle mass. The drug increases muscle volume due to water retention in muscles. Having finished taking Danabol, an athlete can lose up to 35% of the gained mass, since all the water collected in the muscles is quickly removed from the body. I recommend to fix the gained mass with Stanozolol. Danabol is a drug that has gained immense popularity among security men. Women do not choose this drug. Danabol can cause masculinization in women. Even looking at all the negative aspects of the drug, women in bodybuilding, and especially athlete powerlifting, often come to the use of Danabol. Safer for women is the dosage of 5-10 mg per day. Women need to remember that higher dosages and long periods of taking the drug make the presence of androgenic substances noticeable.
It should be noted that the constant use of danabol solo will not lead to great effects of weight gain, do not forget to combine it with various mass-produced steroids. The price of this drug is available for each athlete so every athlete can afford to buy it. In our store you can purchase Danabol. Do not hesitate to get more info on Danabol on ABCRoids platform.