Do you know, what LAMA means? LAMA is basically leaving against medical advice. The name itself has the complete meaning. It means that if a doctor or medical processional has advised you to go through any particular procedure or particular medicine but you are not ready to follow it due to any reason, it is known as leaving against medical advice. Usually, people take LAMA while treating their child or person for the opiate treatment but do you it comes with a lot of risks. If you will get the LAMA, it will come with a lot of dangers or risks, which you can’t control in future.
In this article, I will tell you some of the important factors or problems that can occur if you leave against medical advice and obviously, nobody would love to see their patient in so much pain. Let us know more about the factors.
Injury: An addict or especially relapsing addict can have the chances of injury due to falling and sometimes it can lead you to death also, drowning incidents, head wounds and sometimes, automobile crashes. Most of the addicts usually result in premature death, disfigurement and permanent injury also. Have you ever seen any road accident? Most of the road accidents occur due to the overdose of the drugs or overdose of alcohol. Moreover, substance abuse can lead to severe damage to the other organs of the body. Addiction can also result in the complete failure of the organ.
Death: Ideally, it is not good to take the drugs at any point in your life. The human body can only be subjected to a particular dose of the drug but if this dose will get increased, the person can die also. This is one of the most common reasons for death and from the past few years, this number is increasing just like anything.
Isolation/loneliness: Leaving rehab against medical advice can lead the person to isolation to loneliness. Substance abuse can lead to the damage to personal relationships, professional relationships. In such a condition of isolation, person usually hurts himself only.