Not all wisdom teeth are created equal. An impacted wisdom tooth is a common dental problem that affects many people at the very back of your mouth. When a wisdom tooth doesn’t erupt completely in the right position, it gets trapped under the gum tissue. This condition is called impaction. Yes, when a wisdom tooth is not fully grown, it becomes impacted.
While in some cases, an impacted wisdom tooth can cause pain, others can impact the surrounding teeth, causing damages. This is why dentists suggest wisdom teeth removal Sydney to avoid certain dental complications that affect your oral health. However, cheap wisdom teeth removal Sydney is not always necessary. Yes, you can keep them if they are healthy, emerge in the right position, and able to clean properly. This occurs only in a few cases while most of the cases it requires extraction. Based on the type of impaction, the dentist will determine whether to monitor the growth of the wisdom teeth or extract them.
In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain while in other cases; it can affect other surrounding teeth, causing damages. This is why impacted wisdom teeth are surgically extracted to avoid dental complications. However, wisdom teeth removal Sydney is not always necessary. Depending on the type of impacted wisdom teeth, the dentist determines whether to extract them or not. Familiarising yourself about the different types of impaction is essential so that you can make an informed decision.
Vertical impaction
In most of the cases, it doesn’t require extraction as it is a normal orientation. It may erupt in the right position as the tooth is almost near vertical orientation. So, there is a high chance that they will develop and fit in the jawline without causing troubles to the nearby teeth. If it requires extraction it may be due to the tooth causing pressure on the underside of the molar in front or the bones at the back of your mouth. It is a simple extraction procedure done under local anaesthesia.
Mesial Impaction
It is one of the most common types of impactions where the tooth is positioned in such a way that it is pushing against the molar in front of it. The angle of a tooth helps to determine whether it needs to be extracted or not. However, in most of the cases, mesial impaction leads to partial eruption where only a portion of tooth pokes into the gums, in most of the cases, it is monitored as it may erupt completely.
Distal impaction
It is least common and exact opposite of mesial impaction. The dentist will determine whether the teeth needs to be extracted or not by analysing the degree of the angle of the tooth.
Horizontal Impaction
It is one of the complicated and painful types of impactions. The lies horizontally and away from the surface that pushes the molar next to it. The complexity of the case affects the Wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney. Often, the dentists suggest removal for these types of impactions as they can damage the surrounding teeth.