For several decades, breast augmentation spartanburg sc has been one of the most popular options in cosmetic and restorative surgery. This procedure can provide a range of aesthetic benefits for those who are unhappy with the shape, size, and overall position of their breasts. While these treatments are largely performed to increase the bust size, they can also create greater symmetry and balance, improve the overall appearance of one or both nipples, replace lost tissue and structure following mastectomies, and more. Following are four things that you need to know about breast augmentation sydney done by breast augmentation specialist chicago il.
The key to getting optimum results from any augmentation procedure lies in simply finding the right enhancement size, such as a c cup bra. Adding too much volume can create a look of imbalanced proportions across the entire physique. You’ll also have to adapt to the extra weight that you’ll be carrying post-treatment. In most instances, modest increases provide the greatest amount of comfort and all-around aesthetic balance.
Before your procedure is performed, you will have the chance to hold and feel different implant types. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about the tactile and other benefits and drawbacks of each style and design. This is also a great chance to see how much extra weight you’ll be carrying. There are even a number of simple prostheses that patients can wear to better understand how their bodies will be changing. These assist people in making informed decisions about the level of increase that they hope to experience in the treatment area.
Augmentation procedures can improve the overall look of your breasts in a vast range of ways. This makes it important for patients to be incredibly forthright with their providers during their consultations. If you have any cosmetic concerns that involve the shape, spacing, or symmetry of your breasts, the look of your nipples, the elevation of your breasts, or loose and sagging skin, be sure to mention these so that your doctor can incorporate all of these factors when devising your surgical plan.
Depending upon your exact range of cosmetic goals, it may be necessary to pair breast augmentation with other procedures. For instance, many women opt to have both augmentation and breast lift surgery performed at the same time. This combination procedure not only balances out the breasts and increases the natural breast size, but it also lifts these features to a far more prominent and desirable position. The result is rounder, fuller breasts that are significantly more youthful-looking all-around.
It is also common for women to have breast augmentation performed as part of mommy makeover surgeries. With these procedures, multiple efforts are made to undo the ravages of childbirth and breastfeeding. They can include tummy tuck or tummy lifting treatments, breast lift procedures, and breast augmentation to restore lost volume or enhance the patient’s natural breast volume. As ever, the absolute best way to find out which enhancement procedure is right for you is by scheduling a consultation appointment.